Tudo bem, é um mundo próprio, com elementos culturais e coisas que são faladas (quase) só ali - talvez isto justifique a criação deste glossário, afinal, alguém deve ter sentido esta necessidade. Tudo bem, eu mesma já fiquei me batendo para descobrir o significado de algumas coisas (algumas que até hoje não descobri, como o K12 - se algum leitor daque souber, por favor, me socorra...). Tem também as palavras/expressões que ganham um significado um pouco diferente (específico).
Criado em 28 de julho do ano passado, no wiki do sl, sendo que hoje possui 275 verbetes.
Trago abaixo uma seleção de alguns verbetes importantes ou curiosos:
An Avatar is a representative of a real person in the virtual world. The word is derived from the Sanskrit. There Avatāra means "descent", which refers to the coming down deity in earthly spheres. Specifically related to Second Life is an avatar, the character you can dress and move.
The list of those banned from an area, by use of a script, or by Landban that otherwise allows visitors.
When your avatar is in an area that allows damage to occur, a heart is shown at the top of your screen with the percentage of health. When this reached 0%, you will be teleported to your home location. So the "death" isn't a permanent one, you don't loose any inventory and can return to the damage enabled region.
First Life
First Life is a Virtual Reality Game similar to Second Life and was around long before Second Life Was. First Life has, by far one of the largest User Bases, but also many bugs such as; Teleport Fails Camera Controls not functioning Inventory Failing And so on...
The chat window that allows two players to speak privately, to instant message another resident.
The window that contains everything you have that isn’t manifest in the world. Your inventory is the collection of clothing, objects, textures, etc. that your avatar possesses. Your inventory travels with you, and you can use any of it at any time.
A Sim or group of Sims that are detached from the Linden Lab owned Mainland and only accessible by teleportation.
Landmarks are shortcuts to places in Second Life and stored in your inventory. They are displayed ether as bright red (

Off World
Off-world is when an object or avatar is sent out of the bounds of the grid.
A user in Second Life is typically called a Resident (or Resi). This term is used by Linden Lab and may be meant to give users a feeling of "belonging" and ownership of the virtual world. "Resident" is also used throughout most of SL's UI in place of "user".
The name "Sandbox" is given to a plot of land which has been put aside in for those who wish to practice building projects. Several sandboxes exist for specific purposes - such as the Weapons Testing sandbox or the vehicle sandbox but the majority of sandboxes are just for regular building purposes. The signs within each sandbox area should make it clear what is allowed. Sandboxes are usually automatically wiped several times per day so when building you should see the signs for information on when this will take place. Due to the nature of sandboxes, they do sometimes go down, so take regular inventory backups of the work you are doing so that you do not lose anything should this happen.
A button in the UI that will open up the snapshot preview window (Ctrl-Shift-S) with a screenshot of your current view ( ` will save the snapshot directly to your hard drive). Snapshots are marked with a snapshot icon in the inventory.
Teen Grid
The Teen Second Life was created to provide a safe place for education projects for those 13-18 years old. Unlike main Second Life, in the Teen Second Life, Linden Lab significantly restricts entry, purchase of land, and activities to those that support the education projects in Teen Second Life.
TimeSL's timezone is called SLT. It is equivalent to PST/PDT (Pacific Standard Time)/Pacific Daylight Time), the real world timezone of Linden Lab.
2 comentários:
Alô Adriene,
K12 nada tem a ver com second life ou com computadores. É uma expressão para designar o período de educação de crianças e jovens nas escolas americanas.O K,no caso,corresponde à educação infantil [Kindergarten]. O 12 corresponde aos anos de escolarização da primeira à 12ª série do ensino básico. Daí o tal K12.Abraço, Jarbas.
achei bom
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